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Interview: LEGO Certified Stores (Bricks World) Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL) MOC Competition Winner - Tan Kok Mun

Bricks World Storemaster interviews LEGO® Builder Tan Kok Mun – 2018 AFOL (Adult Fan Of LEGO) MOC Competition Winner. Find out more about the inspirations and motivations behind his LEGO creations, what/when was his very first LEGO build and what insights he has for other builders.

Q) What was the first LEGO creation you built? How old were you and why did you build it?
My first creation is a small mech robot which I named it "Z-Mech Robot", done in 2012. I was curious then to see what I can do to Lego bricks and the mech is inspired by the Iron Man movies.



Q) What inspires you to start building your own LEGO creations?
Lots of sources, movies, tv, online and creations by others.

Q) What kind of impact do you want your LEGO creations to have on your audiences?
Some creation is for display and some for play. For those for display, I do hope it inspires and challenge others to start building their own creation too. For those for play, I hope the kids can have fun playing with it and inspired them as well to start building their very own toys.

Q) What does LEGO mean to you?
It's a toy for the kids and a tool for adults to build their own creation.

Q) How was LEGO perceived when you were a child and how do you think its image has changed?
I don't play with LEGO as a child, didn't know of LEGO. I started with LEGO accidentally during my house spring cleaning sometime in 2009/2010 if I remember it right. It's a set (Star WarsJabba's Message (4475)) my son received for his birthday and I love the minifigs that comes with it.

Q) What do you enjoy most when it comes to LEGO/ building?
The process of seeing the creation materialized right in front of me as the building progresses.

Q) What do you think can be done to help encourage more of such builders in the community?
Contest is one way, do keep it going. Maybe through events that encourage building with Lego as one of the main activities.

Q) What is your favorite LEGO set thus far and why?
My favorite set so far is the Batman The Tumbler (76023). I love "The Tumbler" and this set is a great build of it, with all the tiny little details. This set is good for display and for children to play too.

Q) Finally, the last and most important question. What is your favorite LEGO brick?
I have been ask this before, and I don't have any specific favorite. 

So there you have it, insights from an experienced builder.  To finish, here’s the winning build of the Jan – Feb 2018 AFOL MOC Competition – Kid’s Star Wars (26cmL x 26cmW x 22cmH)

This scene depicts a heartwarming cohabitation and harmony between the dark side and the light side which I believe many Star Wars fan secretly hope for to happen in an alternate universe!

Let’s look forward to seeing more of his creative builds in future 😉